A solar-powered smartwatch seems like a good idea — if it works
Posted on November 02, 2017
Battery life on smartwatches is, in a word, bad. And while most of today’s watches can
more or less make it through a day without dying, they’re still a far cry from the months or even years that traditional watches can run for.
What if you never had to charge your smartwatch? That’s the promise of Lunar, a new Kickstarter project that claims to be the world’s first solar-powered smartwatch. Solar-powered wristwatches aren’t a particularly new concept; Casio and Citizen are two particularly well-known brands. Lunar isn’t the first hybrid smartwatch to try and solve the battery problem, either: a company called Sequent took a stab at it on Kickstarter earlier this year using kinetic charging, too. https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/9/27/16369824/lunar-solar-powered-smartwatch-hybrid-kickstarter
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