Home » » Moment releases Pixel 2 cases that support its add-on lenses

Moment releases Pixel 2 cases that support its add-on lenses

Moment is bringing support for its add-on camera lenses to the Pixel 2. After Google’s

announcement yesterday, Moment announced two cases for the phone that include slots around the camera to screw in its line of mountable camera lenses, which let you add wide, fisheye, macro, and telephoto lenses in front of the existing camera glass to get new effects (and potentially, better images). A GOOD OPTION IF YOU ALREADY PLANNED ON GETTING A CASE This isn’t Moment’s first support for the Pixel line, but it is the first time it’ll be ready for launch day. Moment put out cases for the original Pixel and Pixel XL in March, but this year cases are going on sale right away. There are only two options: an all-black case with a textured back and a black case with a wood-grain back. Both are available for $30 for both the smaller Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL. Unfortunately, Moment isn’t offering anything fancier, like the battery case option it has for the iPhone. While Moment used to offer options to mount its lenses more-or-less directly onto a phone (using a clip-on plate), it stopped doing that this year and now requires buyers to invest in a case first. That’s not so bad if you were planning on getting a case anyway, especially since Moment’s options aren’t super expensive. Its lenses, on the other hand, run $90 to $100 each. Correction October 5th, 1:42PM ET: This story originally contained a photo of Moment’s case for the original Pixel, which has a slightly different look.                                                                  https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/10/5/16429106/pixel-2-camera-case-moment-lenses
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