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Facebook adds new creative and video streaming features to its VR hangout app

Facebook today announced a handful of new features for its virtual reality hangout app

Spaces. The news, presented onstage at the Oculus Connect developer conference in San Jose, California, means you now can bring in your own photos and videos into Spaces, as well as stream 360-degree video from within the app. The company also introduced what it calls 3D Posts, which are cartoony, interactive 3D objects that can be crafted using new creative tools in Spaces and then be taken out of VR and posted directly to Facebook. Spaces, which first went live for the Oculus Rift headset in April, is a social app designed to blend the immersive aspects of VR with all the benefits of Facebook. That way, friends can “hangout” in VR as if they’re together in real life. Spaces uses the the virtual subtext to let users teleport around the globe, share photos and videos using virtual pop-up screens, and perform a number of silly tricks like doodling sunglasses and hats to wear. Starting today, you’ll also be able to play a number of low-key games, like cards and dice, with friends in Spaces.                                                     https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/11/16460080/facebook-spaces-live-360-degree-video-3d-posts
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