Home » » Kodak made a Facebook chatbot that tries to sell you prints of old photos

Kodak made a Facebook chatbot that tries to sell you prints of old photos

Kodak Moments, the consumer printing division of Kodak has a new way to encourage

you to print photos: a Facebook Messenger chatbot. It works just like you’d imagine. You start a chat thread with the Kodak Moments Assistant on Facebook Messenger, allow it access to your Facebook account, and it will root through the photos you’ve stored there over the years and suggest ones that you might have forgotten about — and that you might want to put in a frame or on a mug. Kodak Moments is also adding a similar feature to its mobile app, which again either requires access to your Facebook (or Google) account, or your phone’s camera roll, and will surface photos using the company’s “unique image science capabilities” in a news feed-style section in an attempt to generate print sales.                                                                                                        https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/21/16345382/kodak-moments-assistant-facebook-messenger-chatbot-photos
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